Here we go again – eclipse season

Eclipses and how we can make use of them for our growth and expansion will be the topic of today’s post. I hope to inspire you to look back at the past couple of weeks and consider what has been going on in your life lately.
I also hope that your curiosity will be nudged from now on and for at least a couple of months forward to figure out what this eclipse season will bring to you and to your life.

A story suitable for The Lion Gate

Hi there, you lovely lot, A few weeks have passed since I last wrote to you. How are you doing on your quest to find, own, and love your uniqueness? Have you made any progress? Finding ways to express our” specialness” and our inspiration is not always easy.We run into all kinds of obstacles that … Continue reading A story suitable for The Lion Gate

Welcome to Leo!

Today (July 22, 2024) the sun enters into the solar sign Leo according to astrology. There will be a shift in the energy environment around us. Maybe you have already sensed that your mood has changed a little bit. It is a fiery, visionary and hopeful energy that traditionally is connected to this solar sign. … Continue reading Welcome to Leo!

Q&A on July 7, 2024, at 8 pm (CET)

I hope you are doing well,In the Northern Hemisphere, the school year has ended or is coming to an end, and the summer holidays are approaching. I learned from a dear friend in Australia that there are some free days to look forward to Down-under as well (when the annual report for the end of … Continue reading Q&A on July 7, 2024, at 8 pm (CET)

An adventure and a bit of housekeeping

Hi everyone,I hope you are doing well and that the waves from April have subsided a little bit, even if Life will demand that we continue to work with the insights and changes that have been brought to us for quite some time. Hopefully, you now have a clearer picture of what is going on … Continue reading An adventure and a bit of housekeeping

A very busy month…

So, what do we have? An eclipse season where we have been pushed to reexamine our sense of self and our emotional life, a Mercury retrograde, an unusual tête-à-tête between the giants in our solar system, and a long-time-no-see comet on top of that… These are just a few of the great alignments we have … Continue reading A very busy month…

A second chance for new year resolutions…

Since I started following the Asian astrological calendar (ruled by the lunar cycles), I have relaxed a little bit with my usual New Year resolutions. It is as if I have been handed a bit of extra time before starting anew. For me, the time between the 1st of January and the beginning of the … Continue reading A second chance for new year resolutions…

A heartfelt thank you, and what now?

Hi there, my lovely lot, I was amazed by your incredible response to this year’s Black Week offer from Magic Mittens. Thank you so much for having trust in the work we do together.  I am also happily surprised to hear from so many who have never worked with me before. I am deeply grateful … Continue reading A heartfelt thank you, and what now?

On Sunday May 14, 2023, we are up for a real treat!

My dear friend, In today’s blog post, I have something exciting to tell you, especially if you are fond of animals. Have you ever wondered what our friends in the animal kingdom would tell us if we shared the same language? What are they hoping for us to understand, as they look into our eyes, … Continue reading On Sunday May 14, 2023, we are up for a real treat!