Welcome to Leo!

Today (July 22, 2024) the sun enters into the solar sign Leo according to astrology. There will be a shift in the energy environment around us. Maybe you have already sensed that your mood has changed a little bit. It is a fiery, visionary and hopeful energy that traditionally is connected to this solar sign. … Continue reading Welcome to Leo!

A very busy month…

So, what do we have? An eclipse season where we have been pushed to reexamine our sense of self and our emotional life, a Mercury retrograde, an unusual tête-à-tête between the giants in our solar system, and a long-time-no-see comet on top of that… These are just a few of the great alignments we have … Continue reading A very busy month…

A bit of lovin… Part 4

Is love rainbows and unicorns? At least my daughter thought so when she was five. This is the final part of my mini-series about love and yet I have only scratched the surface. This post offers a few experiments you can do, one explanation to why energy healing works, and bunch of questions – if you are up for an inner treasure hunt. Thank you for reading!