Happy midsummer!

I am sending you my best wishes for the summer solstice, also known as, Midsummer.

In Sweden midsummer is serious business. It is a public holiday most people spend among family and friends, preferably in the in the midst of Nature. It is more or less compulsory to dance around the maypole.

190618 Midsummer

You have to work really hard to escape the traditional “frog-song” (I developed a severe allergy to it already at the age of four, and I am afraid it has become cronic…) If you want to check if you suffer from aucustic ranidaphobia too, I am sure Spotify will happily assist you in doing the test. Type Sma grodorna (which will automatically suggest the right spelling in Swedish –  ‘Små grodorna’, and I advise you to try out Mora Träsk’s version).

At midnight on midsummer’s eve, magic is in the air, and the folklore suggests those of you, who have not yet found their loved one, to pick seven different flowers to put under your pillow before you go to sleep. You might be given a lucide dream presenting Miss or Mr Perfect-for-you.

190618 Midsummer night's dream

Kept my promise – less than 200 words!

See ya!


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