Today (July 22, 2024) the sun enters into the solar sign Leo according to astrology.
There will be a shift in the energy environment around us. Maybe you have already sensed that your mood has changed a little bit. It is a fiery, visionary and hopeful energy that traditionally is connected to this solar sign. The task it gives us is to find out who we truly are, and to allow our creativity to flow through that uniqueness.
Character traits highlighted as typical for Leo are often courage, bravery, loyalty, generosity, abundance of love and leadership skills.
What is mentioned on the less positive side of the spectrum is the pride, the arrogance and the sulking, when the limelight is not on them. Their infamous fear of being rejected should probably be added to this list as well – rejected themselves or the love they want to sprinkle over you.
However, in my opinion, this kitty sometimes is given an undeservingly bad reputation, and is even accused of megalomania because of some of its natives (astro-lingo for someone who’s chart is examined, and in this case generally those who are born with a Leo Sun).
Individuals as Napoléon Bonaparte, Gavrilo Princip, Benito Mussolini and Slobodan Milosevic to name a few are probably the reason for this bad press. All were born with the Sun in Leo. But I think it is a bit unfair to blame it on the cat. They are just scary examples of when an innate gift has been horrifically corrupted and used in a very unconscious way.
On the other hand, used at its best it can be expressed completely differently – what about Beatrix Potter, Helen Mirren, Christopher Nolan, Steve Martin, Usain Bolt and Dua Lipa? They are also born with their Sun in Leo. They and many other wonderful people have made an astounding good use of their unique gift, and generously shared it with the world. They have found the courage within themselves to step out on their particular scene, into their limelight. And they shine!
Is the Leo-vibe only for Leos?
What about if you are born in the middle of the winter, with a Capricorn Sun? Would that mean that you cannot become a world renowned Children’s book author, an exceptional sports talent, an adored comedian, actor or artist? (Or a mad dictator – though, I strongly advise against that).
Would your midwinter (in Scandinavia at least) Sun in Capricorn stop you from stepping into this warm, visionary, imaginary and glowing energy and share your particular gift with your world?
Of course not!
Indifferent of what our birth charts look like, or where we have our planets, this Leo-frequency will be all around us for the next month.
It is like a extravagant fragrance of bath salt or bubblebath you add to the water in your tub, when it is time for a soak. The rose-smelling, deliciously pink bath salt you find on the shelf in your bathroom cabinet during this month will be in a jar, labelled “I AM SPECIAL”
As you sink into the bath you have prepared, the water will envelop you, surround you and soften your edges of self-criticism.

Each solar sign the sun passes through is like a season, with its particular weather and atmosphere. And we adapt, without thinking so much about it, in a way that makes us feel the most comfortable with that season.
And the midwinter Capricorn Sun I used as an example earlier, will also adapt, consciously or unconsciously, to the weather of the the Leo season, too. So, wherever you have your astrological Sun, this Leo-vibe will flow through you, whether you are aware of it or not.

You can tap into this vibration on purpose, by allowing yourself to be inspired and swept away by this big, joyful cat.
Ruled by the Sun, and governing the heart, Leo will tell you more about your essence. That part of you, which is your true self, beyond your conditioning and programing, even beyond your “story”.
It will tell you about your specialness. The gift you are, just by being, and the gifts you can bring to the world. You just need to figure out and accept that, and then allow yourself to be YOU. Another way is to allow yourself to be, and see what happens. You might be up for a real surprise! 😉
Same-same but, oh, so wonderfully different

I thought long and hard about what to choose, and I hope you will like today’s addition to Magic Mittens’ Magical Playlist on Spotify. Will this song make you wiggle your tail?
First out is Björn Bengtsson, a renowned Swedish actor with a wonderfully full and expressive voice. In the Swedish version of the movie Vaiana, he plays the character Maui – a demigod who is a textbook example of a Leo Sun!
To prove my point of finding our specialness and express it, I have also added Dwayne Johnson’s equally brilliant and tail-wiggling version of the same song. A similar – as energetic and uplifting – performance, but his voice brings in an other kind of delightfulness.
And the lyrics are just phenomenal…
This is what I think Leo is all about.
You and I can do exactly the same thing, but our results will never be the same because in everything we create, our essence will leave a trace. A bit of us will be left in all our creations, accomplishments and contributions.
The trick is to cherish and love that essence which is so unique in us, and with (a healthy) pride allow it to be imbued in everything we do.
So, off you go, my lovelies. Bask in your awesomeness!!!
See you next time…