An adventure and a bit of housekeeping

Hi everyone,I hope you are doing well and that the waves from April have subsided a little bit, even if Life will demand that we continue to work with the insights and changes that have been brought to us for quite some time. Hopefully, you now have a clearer picture of what is going on … Continue reading An adventure and a bit of housekeeping

Another Sunday meditation

Welcome to join me for another free session of “Gathering in Solitude” on Sunday April 5, 9 pm UTC +1 Hi there, I hope that you are still doing ok and that you have not had too much trouble to adjust this extraordinary reality we are experiencing now. As you might have seen, from previous … Continue reading Another Sunday meditation

Gathering in solitude, March 29, 9 pm (GMT +1)

Dear friend, I hope you are not feeling too overwhelmed by what is surrounding us right now. If you do feel burdened and scared, try to find ways to care for yourself and to connect to others in a safe way. Please, do not forget to be kind to and have compassion for yourself – … Continue reading Gathering in solitude, March 29, 9 pm (GMT +1)