Full speed forward, Bert!!!

Hi there, If you have followed me for the last month or so, and felt compelled to take a closer look at how you think, you might have discovered a few things about yourself and your thought patterns. Maybe you have stumbled on parts of yourself that you didn’t even know about before. In this … Continue reading Full speed forward, Bert!!!

So what exactly is it that I do?

This is a very “free” translation and extended version of what you can read in Swedish in the column labelled PÅ SVENSKA. I enjoyed writing that piece and drawing the illustrations, so I wanted to share the content with the rest of you too. It is a presentation of myself and a description of my work … Continue reading So what exactly is it that I do?

Februari – den “minst roliga” mĂ„naden….

Ända sedan jag var liten har jag haft en aversion mot februari. De vackra dagarna med solsken Ă€r ju inte nĂ„got att beklaga sig över – men de grĂ„mulna har alltid fĂ„tt mig att slĂ€pa mig fram. Det Ă€r bara smutsiga snöhögar, snĂ„lblĂ„st och kvarglömda hundbajsar som möter mig nĂ€r jag gĂ„r ut. Livet kĂ€nns platt, trĂ„kigt … Continue reading Februari – den “minst roliga” mĂ„naden….

VÄr tid Àr Nu

  Vad drömmer du om? Laga sushi? LĂ€ra dig rida barbacka? Prata portugisiska? Lösa Fermats gĂ„ta? Se Machu Picchu? Åka husvagn frĂ„n Treriksröset till Ystad? Ha en sommarstuga vid en sjö i VĂ€rmland? Dansa salsa? Ha en relation? Skriva en bok? Engagera dig i Röda Korset? Bara ta en lĂ„ngsemester? Den hĂ€r gĂ„ngen tĂ€nkte jag … Continue reading VĂ„r tid Ă€r Nu