Today is a holiday Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung would have loved!Everything we are reluctant to recognise within ourselves, what we hide in our subconscious, is displayed in one magnificent and symbolic projection: HALLOWEEN Our hidden urges and fears come in all different flavours – greed, arrogance, bullying, lust for revenge and many, many … Continue reading Trick or treat…
Category: Magic Mittens’s Magic Playlist
Here we go again – eclipse season
Eclipses and how we can make use of them for our growth and expansion will be the topic of today’s post. I hope to inspire you to look back at the past couple of weeks and consider what has been going on in your life lately.
I also hope that your curiosity will be nudged from now on and for at least a couple of months forward to figure out what this eclipse season will bring to you and to your life.
Welcome to Leo!
Today (July 22, 2024) the sun enters into the solar sign Leo according to astrology. There will be a shift in the energy environment around us. Maybe you have already sensed that your mood has changed a little bit. It is a fiery, visionary and hopeful energy that traditionally is connected to this solar sign. … Continue reading Welcome to Leo!