Another Sunday meditation

Welcome to join me for another free session of “Gathering in Solitude” on Sunday April 5, 9 pm UTC +1

Hi there,

I hope that you are still doing ok and that you have not had too much trouble to adjust this extraordinary reality we are experiencing now.

As you might have seen, from previous weeks, I offer a 30-minutes long group meditation at 9 – 9.30 pm (UTC+1) – which is “Sweden-time. It is a chance to rest a little bit from the turmoil and worry that is surrounding us.

I just (think I) figured out how insert a link in the text 😉 so hopefully you will be sent to the right place for more information by clicking here: Group Sessions

If that, by some reason, does not take you to the right place, please go to and click on Group Sessions there.

During these meditations I often receive a channelled message, which is relevant for the group of people who participate. These messages are of a more general nature than what I usually receive during a one-on-one session. You will find what came through last week at the end of this post.

If this seems interesting, you are very welcome to join the rest of us.

Take good care of yourself.




200329 Meditation and healing

What energy and knowledge serve us best to integrate and to know right now?

In this world, you all carry a sense of hope and trust, in the midst of the chaos surrounding you.

Please, know that this is a time which can help you take great steps and create movement forward in your lives. It is a time to examine one’s fears and worries, as much of what becomes visible on the inner, originates from what has been locked up since early years or even before that.

These old wounds come to light and into the awareness, thanks to what is taking place in the outer reality.

Therefore, be good to yourselves. Each day search for a moment where the soul can be in contact with the self. Where rest is given. Where you all can hear yourselves, hear what is said in the depths of your beings.

Vague signals are given in your interaction with the outer world, in your contact with others and with the world at large. When you give yourselves a moment of stillness these vague signals are given a clearer form. Images appears, telling you about the intersection between your history, your emotionality and the expansion taking place within your inner realms.

So, calm the mind, calm the thoughts by listening to them, as were they children having something they want to tell. Calm the emotions by feeling them. And there, in this calmness, there is peace to experience and to rest in, in the middle of all the change taking place around you.

The body speaks to you all, communicating its needs. Listen to what the body is signalling. Is something missing, does it need something specific, what is it trying to tell you?

The body harbour all these experiences that are being worked through now; the old wounds, the incapsulated thought patterns, the locked up emotional states. Therefore, during this time when locks are unlocked, the body deserves your love, your care and rest.

With love.


Every person is responsible for their life, their thoughts, their feelings and their actions. The information you get in this this text that I channel is to be used as inspiration and a support to your, as you do your inner work. I hope it can be of service and raise your level of love for yourself. That it may help you to live a life where you care more for yourself and the world around you.

If there is something that doesn’t resonate with your own truth, I encourage you to listen to your own heart instead of trusting what you receive from someone outside of yourself. Don’t forget – you are the expert on your own life. I share with you the information that comes though me with an open heart and to the best of my abilities – but I am not the one who know how you best should live your life or what decision you should take for your future. My hopes and my intention are that the written words and our conversation should be of assistance to your and be helpful, but you are responsible for what you choose to do in your life.

The information that may come through regarding your health, your mental stamina, your emotional state or your soul do not override the advice or treatments you get from your medical doctors or psychological advisors. Both energetic medicine and school-medicine are of tremendous value for us as human beings. My conviction is that we need them both.

I wish you a beautiful and expansive journey!


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