New moon meditation and healing August 30, 2019

Hi again,

Further down in this blogpost you will find the details for the New moon meditation. If you feel so inclined, you are most welcome to join the rest of us!

What have you been up to?

I hope you have had a good summer and have enjoyed the light and the warmth (for those who live in the northern hemisphere) and hopefully you have had a little more time to spend with yourself.

If you travel back in your memory to the beginning of June, I am sure you will discover many shifts and changes within you; in your emotions, thoughts and opinions. If you take a look at life outside of you; your home, your work, the dynamic of your relationships, maybe you notice shifts there as well.

With a 7-year old at home, going back to school, I can see that change very clearly. During this summer she has learned so many new things, new words, new skills – and she has outgrown most of her clothes!!!!

190814 Outgrown

Since each one of us is a walking “work in progress”, small changes happen in us from day to day, that we hardly notice. That makes us think “we are the same as always”. Though, these micro-shifts build over time. When we direct our focus back a few months in time, it is possible to see that change a little more clearly. Everything we have encountered has affected us in some way, good or bad, but we have grown from it in one way or another.

How have we spent our time? Who have we interacted with? Have we made new friends? Have we been to new places? Have we had interesting conversations that has inspired us in some way? Have we been bored? Have we been scared, sad, angry, happy, delighted, have we felt empty because something is missing? Have we become disapointed? Have we fallen in love? Have we had extraordinary experiences of an altered state of mind?

All of these experiences, thoughts and emotions, they do something with us. The trick is to notice what. There is a slightly new version of you that is emerging, ready for you to see! As always, I suggest you to take a little time to journal about this.

I am happy to be back here, writing to you again. I have longed for that familiar feeling of curiosity, about what will land on the page I have in front of me. 😊

And now, the upcoming meditation

I the beginning of this blogpost I promised to let you know about the New Moon meditation and healing that I am inviting you to. Here are the details:

  • Date: Friday August 30, 2019
  • Time: 8 pm GMT +1. The actual new moon occurs at 12.38 pm GMT +1 (Stockholm)  in the astrological sign of Virgo.
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Price: Free of charge, this is a gift from me to you! 
  • Where: Find a place where you can be undisturbed and feel comfortable. Relax. Be present. Listen within. If you are the writing kind, it can be a good idea to have a notepad at hand. You might want to scribble down sudden insights, that may come to you.
  • How to sign up: If you want to be part of this, send me an email. You will find the address here on my website, under the label group sessions. By signing up, you will be included in the group energy.

Mark your email with New Moon-meditation. 

All the best,


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